United As Neighbors

We envision a community that works together despite our differences.

United As Neighbors is an informal group of citizens from Newberg and Dundee who have been meeting since the fall of 2021 to discuss ways to counter the poor behavior that we have experienced in our town and in our country.

Participants come with their own ideologies and political preferences from both the right and left of the aisle. When we participate in this group, we are NOT trying to win converts to our thinking. We do not try to influence the politics or religion of anyone else. We DO advocate for civil behavior and communication while we feel free to continue to support whatever personal politics we may have.

As a result of our first year, there are a variety of other groups that have either sprung from our efforts or who now partner with United As Neighbors. Those groups can be found in the Partners menu item at the top of the page.

United as Neighbors does not have any specific agenda or even any specific goals other than to foster civil behavior and hopefully live by example in how we treat each other.

This website was launched on September 8, 2022. Feel free to share the link or refer people to this site or to the other groups in the site as a way of helping to spread the concept of civil behavior in our towns of Newberg and Dundee.